Arizona Board Board of Medical Examiners

Recent License Status Changes

Protecting the Public's Health
Arizona Medical Board
9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road
Scottsdale, Arizona · 85258-5539
480-551-2700 · Toll Free: 877-255-2212

The following is a list of previously active licenses from the Arizona Medical Board, which have been changed to a non-active status within the last 90 days. Licenses may become non-active for a variety of reasons: failure to renew (expiration), surrender of license, suspension, revocation, or licensee-requested inactivation or cancellation.

This list only includes changes from active to non-active license status - if such a change to a license is subsequently reversed, that license will no longer be listed here. Please note the disclaimer below.

Should you wish more information on a licensee, click on their license number at the right. This will take you directly to their detailed profile page.

For help with terms and definitions please consult the Glossary.

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Send email to [email protected].

License Status Changes: 04/12/2003 - 07/11/2003 (most recent first)
Licensee Name License Status Effective
as of:
Licensee City, State
Philip M. Englund, M.D. Surrendered 07/09/2003 Mesa, AZ 3322
Antonio R. Wico Jr., M.D. Surrendered 07/09/2003 Phoenix, AZ 20674
David P. Althaus, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Gallipolis, OH 13490
Hunter H. Comly, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Boulder, CO 30490
Carol S. Federiuk, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Portland, OR 18153
Charles B. Fooe, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Phoenix, AZ 23874
Joseph J. Geller, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Raleigh, NC 25796
Paul J. Girard, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 San Diego, CA 26128
J. Mark Handley, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Sun City West, AZ 3940
Patrick T. Heffron, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Norfolk, NE 21126
Robert L. McLaurin Jr., M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Raleigh, NC 21187
Edward R. Munnell, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Oklahoma City, OK 14526
Daniel O. Persky, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 New York, NY 31037
Jerry D. Routh, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Henderson, NV 28151
Lawrence E. Valentine, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Virginia Beach, VA 25325
Ervin Varga, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Princeton, NJ 29001
James W. Varner, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Jackson, TN 30809
Alejandro Vasquez, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Minneapolis, MN 29588
Stuart R. Winston, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Glendale, AZ 27394
Patricia L. Wong, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Palo Alto, CA 18626
Woodson C. Young, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 2632
Jeffrey A. Zuckerman, M.D. Canceled 07/08/2003 Fairbanks, AK 20607
Sandra L. Dierolf, M.D. Expired 07/08/2003 Spokane, WA 25832
Jeffrey L. Lieberman, M.D. Expired 07/08/2003 Orchard Park, NY 30758
Paul I. Rubinfeld, M.D. Expired 07/08/2003 Santa Fe, NM 16011
Norman A. Assad, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Johnson City, TN 10564
Murray M. De Armond, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Tucson, AZ 5197
Alan L. Gordon, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Paradise Valley, AZ 3748
Rudger P. Hiatt, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Mesa, AZ 2382
Elisa S. Mashal, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 24943
Mel T. Moore, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Chandler, AZ 9703
Seymour L. Rosenbaum, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Tucson, AZ 1926
Donald F. Schaller, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 2966
John F. Stopka, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Chicago, IL 9842
Hugh C. Thompson III, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Tucson, AZ 5051
Joel E. White, M.D. Inactive 07/08/2003 Walnut Creek, CA 13392
Thomas S. Ahern, M.D. Expired 07/02/2003 Las Vegas, NV 27963
Bryan Bjornstad, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Rochester, MN 28985
Benjamin J. Bronicel, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Renton, WA 25517
Todd W. Clover, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 29268
James C. Gunnells, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Durham, NC 30906
Stephen J. Helvie, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Bakersfield, CA 8758
Mary H. Hill, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Tempe, AZ 26800
J. Michael Hoog, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Fort Wayne, IN 19405
Frederick A. Kam Jr., M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Auburn, AL 25701
Frederick C. Kim, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Los Angeles, CA 30441
James J. Lynch, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Phoenix, AZ 28173
Thomas R. Mann, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Mesa, AZ 5363
Milton P. Midis, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Cleveland, OH 22086
Mauricio Pineda-Roman, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Charleston, SC 25453
Barnett S. Salzman, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Fresno, CA 23825
Kenneth W. Smithson, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Irving, TX 10558
John E. Wanebo, M.D. Expired 07/01/2003 Phoenix, AZ 29119
Manuel G. Suguitan, M.D. Active with Limitations 06/12/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 8366
Tawni J. Christensen, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 Las Vegas, NV 23638
Mark S. Lee, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 San Antonio, TX 24209
James Edward Morrison, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 Columbia, SC 29885
David P. Nelson, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 Oklahoma City, OK 17028
Sunil J. Patel, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 Fontana, CA 23573
Carmen M. Poirier, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 Sierra Vista, AZ 26556
Marco A. Ross, M.D. Canceled 06/12/2003 Spokane, WA 28368
Stanley S. Racz, M.D. Emergency Suspension 06/12/2003 Green Valley, AZ 12158
E. Metz Wright Jr., M.D. Inactive 06/12/2003 Tucson, AZ 2426
Lior Kahane, M.D. Revoked 06/12/2003 Nogales, AZ 23042
Jasjeet Singh Sangha, M.D. Expired 06/11/2003 Waterloo, IA 30212
David A. Sherris, M.D. Expired 06/11/2003 Rochester, MN 25507
Anwarul Haque, M.D. Expired 06/09/2003 Bullhead City, AZ 23769
David A. Harclerode, M.D. Expired 06/03/2003 Phoenix, AZ 16263
Esther L. Chodakiewitz, M.D. Expired 06/02/2003 Mesa, AZ 22685
John J. Halki, M.D. Expired 06/02/2003 Carmel, IN 23463
Samuel D. Rosenthal, M.D. Expired 06/02/2003 Lake Havasu City, AZ 27887
Jefferson A. Schott, M.D. Expired 06/02/2003 Luke Afb, AZ 26048
J. Pearse Derrig, M.D. Expired 05/28/2003 Claremont, CA 19418
Manuel Anthony Gurule, M.D. Expired 05/28/2003 Albuquerque, NM 30118
Jesus A. Munoz, M.D. Expired 05/28/2003 Kingwood, TX 23862
Christine M. Roland, M.D. Expired 05/28/2003 Sacramento, CA 29537
Leanne H. Dimugno, M.D. Expired 05/27/2003 Phoenix, AZ 28455
Michael Hyun-Tae Lee, M.D. Expired 05/27/2003 Sarasota, FL 29831
Cesar H. Liendo, M.D. Expired 05/27/2003 Shreveport, LA 21944
Veronica C. Shim, M.D. Expired 05/27/2003 Tucson, AZ 25736
Mohamud D. Afgarshe, M.D. Expired 05/22/2003 Saint Paul, MN 30731
Kenneth C. Henderson, M.D. Expired 05/22/2003 Louisville, KY 30353
Bruce M. Toporoff, M.D. Expired 05/21/2003 Oxnard, CA 23748
Giuseppe Lanzino, M.D. Expired 05/19/2003 Charlottesville, VA 29154
M. Louis Moss, M.D. Expired 05/19/2003 Marietta, GA 26992
Anne-France Walczak, M.D. Expired 05/19/2003 Exton, PA 29096
Kathyrn L. Altman, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Salem, OR 28847
Thomas B. Carmany, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Annville, PA 6023
John R. Chamberlin, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Lakewood, CO 26141
Janet L. Chene, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Kerrville, TX 24080
Michael B. Gavin, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Long Beach, CA 12604
Imran Hasnain, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Cerritos, CA 29022
Joseph C. McCarthy, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Newport Beach, CA 16057
William H. McDonald, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Tucson, AZ 5117
Asser I. Mikhail, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Wyomissing, PA 27801
Nhien D. Nguyen, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Mount Gretna, PA 17431
David E. Ours, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Murfreesboro, TN 17683
Anuradha R. Pakanati, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Sylmar, CA 24968
Aloka L. Patel, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 30324
Jeffrey Allen Penman, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Anchorage, AK 30012
Lourdes R. Romano-Jana, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Erie, PA 15135
Crista C. Spears, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Denver, CO 26061
Charles H. Taggart, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 5868
Michael A. Walter, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Newport Beach, CA 12383
Louis H. Weiland, M.D. Canceled 05/15/2003 Hager City, WI 17239
Paul E. Berman, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Tucson, AZ 30283
George B. Citron, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Waltham, MA 11160
William E. Dozer, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Phoenix, AZ 3029
Richard E. Grant, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Atlanta, GA 27939
Edward E. Holden, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Henderson, NV 28218
Stephen C. Paulk, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Portage, WI 18062
John J. Plucinsky, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Cleveland, OH 9260
Jay J. Rozaci, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Mesa, AZ 15935
Lehman C. Sammons Jr., M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Cordova, TN 3617
Peter J. Sippel, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Tucson, AZ 28918
Samuel A. Smith, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Phoenix, AZ 4530
Henry J. Spiro, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Berkley, MI 6394
Kwong Szeto, M.D. Inactive 05/15/2003 Cleveland, OH 10017
Parmeshwar M. Khamre, M.D. Emergency Suspension 05/14/2003 Glendale, AZ 12905
Samuel A. Libert, M.D. Expired 05/14/2003 Hinsdale, IL 17450
Henry Reuss, M.D. Surrendered 05/14/2003 Scottsdale, AZ 3516
Eltag S. Mirghani, M.D. Expired 05/12/2003 Reno, NV 28191
Carol E. Nicholson, M.D. Expired 05/12/2003 Malibu, CA 28868
Christopher P. Ames, M.D. Expired 05/07/2003 San Diego, CA 28976
Richard A. Leopold, M.D. Expired 05/07/2003 Hewlett, NY 25996
Frederick Theodore K. Torres, M.D. Expired 05/07/2003 Quezon City, Nassau Philippines 29299
Joseph C. Canvin, M.D. Expired 05/05/2003 Rochester, MN 28870
Steven G. Kumagai, M.D. Expired 05/05/2003 Omaha, NE 29255
Scott Eric Olson, M.D. Expired 05/05/2003 Tucson, AZ 29747
John J. Walper, M.D. Expired 05/05/2003 Tucson, AZ 28469
Leonard F. Peltier, M.D. Expired 05/04/2003 Tucson, AZ 6233
Corrie L. May, M.D. Expired 05/01/2003 Kansas City, KS 21389
Ted A. Carter, M.D. Expired 04/28/2003 Atlanta, GA 29121
Cecilia H. Shembab, M.D. Expired 04/24/2003 Phoenix, AZ 1725
Lynn E. Alper, M.D. Expired 04/22/2003 Eugene, OR 12443
Arvin L. Mirow, M.D. Expired 04/22/2003 Encinitas, CA 24418
Maria I. Redmon, M.D. Expired 04/22/2003 Tucson, AZ 29207
Jerry Twiggs, M.D. Expired 04/22/2003 Saint George, UT 14137
Tanvir F. Choudhri, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 New York, NY 29342
Bryan M. Dunn, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 San Antonio, TX 21160
Matthew J. Ficenec, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 Phoenix, AZ 28903
Ben E. Jacobson, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 Los Angeles, CA 24444
Vandana Jain, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 Douglas, AZ 25868
John D. Kelly, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 Steger, IL 17496
Paul E. McGuff, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 Las Vegas, NV 3544
Shirl L. Schaffer, M.D. Expired 04/16/2003 New York, NY 29599
Robert G. Logreco, M.D. Inactive with Cause 04/14/2003 Tucson, AZ 20293


The Arizona Medical Board presents this information as a service to the public. The Board relies upon information provided by licensees to be true and correct, as required by statute. It is an act of unprofessional conduct for a licensee to provide erroneous information to the Board. The Board makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content of this website or the content of any other website to which it may link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of the information obtained from this website is solely the responsibility of the user. Arizona Revised Statutes 32 - 1403 (C) provides that the Board is not liable for errors or for any damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

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