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What does a regulatory board do?

The Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants licenses qualified physician assistants (PA’s). The Board is also responsible for investigating patient complaints against physician assistants and when appropriate, taking disciplinary action against their licenses. Unlike medical associations and societies, the main objective of the Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants is to protect the public.

Regulatory boards exist for other licensed professionals as well, including allopathic physicians, osteopathic physicians, psychologists, cosmetologists, accountants and opticians. Like the Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants, these regulatory boards serve the same purpose to protect the public.


Who serves on the Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants?

The Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants is comprised of ten members: four physician assistants, two osteopathic physicians, two allopathic physicians, and two public members.

The Governor appoints all Board members. Members of the Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants may serve two four-year terms.


How many physician assistants are licensed in Arizona?

There are more than 1,300 physician assistants licensed in Arizona.

How often does the Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants meet?

The Arizona Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants meets quarterly. The Board may choose to meet more often when issues arise requiring immediate action.

Agendas for all meetings are posted at the Board’s offices, at the Arizona Department of Administration, and on the Board’s website at least 24 hours in advance. All meetings are open to the public.