The Arizona Board of Medical Examiners
9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
1. Title of the guidance document or subject of the substantive policy
statement and the guidance document number or substantive policy statement
number by which the document or policy statement is referenced:
Guidelines For Delegating Authority To The Executive Director
To Deny Licenses. (SPS #15)
2. Date of the application of the guidance documents or the date
the substantive policy statement was issued and the effective date
of the document or policy statement if different from the publication
or issuance date:
Adopted by the Board July 28, 1999, Originally Published August
27, 1999.
3. Summary of the contents of the guidance document or the substantive
policy statement:
Guidelines describing the circumstances of use for the Executive
Director to deny licenses if applicants do not meet the requirements
of law.
4. A statement as to whether the guidance document or substantive
policy statement is a new document or statement or a revision.
New Statement
5. The name, address and telephone number of the person to whom questions
and comments about the guidance document or substantive policy statement
may be directed:
Deputy Director, Arizona Board of Medical Examiners
9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
(480) 551-2700
6. Information about where a person may obtain a copy of the guidance
document or the substantive policy statement and the costs for obtaining
the document or policy statement:
Available from the Board of Medical Examiners.
Twenty-five cents per page copying cost.
Limited Denial of Licenses
1422 (E) � to deny licenses if applicants do not meet the requirements
of this section
For the E.D. to deny licenses when an applicant fails to meet the
basic requirements for licensure,
the Licensing Administrator (in consultation with
the Investigative Staff, including Medical Consultants, if
necessary) concurs, after reviewing the evidence submitted related
to the basic licensure requirements, that the applicant does not
qualify for licensure, and
Subsequent to denying a license,
the E.D. shall report to the Board at each bimonthly
Board meeting a list of the individuals whose licenses were denied
during the prior period. This list will appear in the Executive
Director's report.