Arizona Board Board of Medical Examiners


Protecting the Public's Health
Arizona Medical Board
9545 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85258-5539   480-551-2700
(Toll Free Within Arizona: 877-255-2212)

How much training is a physician required to have to receive a license?

Physicians who have graduated from an approved medical school are required to have one year of training in an approved hospital internship, residency or fellowship program. Physicians who have graduated from an unapproved medical school are required to have 3 years of training in an approved hospital internship, residency or fellowship program.

How long does it take to receive an Arizona license?

Physicians are required to provide the Board with primary source verification of all education and training. The Board cannot process a license until this information is received. On average, licenses are processed within 45 days.


How much is a license?

The license application processing fee is $500. Once the license is approved, there is a $500 biennial licensing fee.


Are physicians in Arizona required to obtain Continuing Medical Education (CME)?

Physicians are required to complete 40 credit hours of CME during the two calendar years preceding biennial renewal. A physician may not carry excess hours over to another two-year cycle. The Arizona Medical Board conducts random CME audits to ensure physicians are meeting their obligations.

What is reciprocity? Does Arizona have reciprocity?

Reciprocity means that physicians are granted a license because they have a license in another state. The Arizona Medical Board does not grant licensure based on reciprocity.


What does Board certified mean?

“Board certified” means that a physician has taken and passed an oral and written examination given by the American Board of Medical Specialties in a particular field of expertise or specialty. The Arizona Medical Board does not verify current specialties. For more information please see the American Board of Medical Specialties website at: to determine if the physician has earned a specialty certification from this private agency.


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